Welcome to the Jaguar Association of Greater St. Louis (JAGSL). JAGSL is an enthusiast organization focused on providing a wide array of exciting activities, camaraderie, and technical and educational sharing.
Our charter is "to promote, foster and encourage a spirit of mutual interest and assistance among those interested in Jaguar automobiles; to promote better driving standards and to encourage careful driving on public highways; to promote public interest in motoring and motor sports; to develop road safety and to encourage an improved understanding of traffic laws; to affiliate and exchange recognition with other corporations, associations or groups in this and other countries having similar objectives and purposes." And of course we play with cars and socialize.
Membership is just $60 a year ($65 family membership) which includes a subscription to the JAGSL monthly newsletter, The Jaguar's Growl, and the national club magazine, Jaguar Journal. Also, check out our Young Enthusiasts Membership for anyone under the age of 25. Members are automatically enrolled in our parent organization, Jaguar Club of North America (JCNA), and eligible for North American awards in concours, rally, and slalom competitions. Jaguar North America even has special discounts on new Jaguar cars for JCNA members.
Learn more about our club, events, and members by surfing these pages and checking out some of the articles and recent events in our newsletter. Better yet, join us at one of our fun monthly events.