The Jaguar's Growl
JAGSL's monthly publication discussing events, news and happenings both local and national.
The Jaguar's Growl  is our monthly newsletter (published ten times per year), covering JAGSL events, business, and subjects of potential interest to Jaguar enthusiasts generally. 
The latest issue of The Growl is available on this page, or feel free to browse the archives, accessible through the menu, above (or the links below!). 
The Growl is available in digital format and in print (the latter provided to JAGSL members, included in the annual dues).
The Growl is edited by Matthew Johnson.
Advertising in The Growl is available, reaching not only local members, but anyone who accesses the Jaguar Clubs of North America (JCNA) website, in addition to a constantly growing email listserv of Jaguar enthusiasts across the country who receive the digital Growl in their emailboxes.

Our Sponsors

Griots Garage
Car Care for the Perfectionist! Polishes, waxes, cleaners, detailing supplies, and accessories for enthusiasts. Instructional videos, tips, and tricks.
Hagerty Insurance
Hagerty offers classic car insurance but we also offer insurance coverage for trucks, motorcycles, boats, tractors and more - Save 42% on average.
Welsh Enterprises
Jaguar Parts, New, OEM, Used, and rebuilt parts plus Jaguar Accessories and Jaguar gifts from Welsh Enterprises.
It's Alive Automotive
At "It's Alive Automotive" we bring classic cars back to life. We buy, sell, restore, and repair classic cars with 40 years of experience.
Plaza Jaguar
Jaguar Dealership in St. Louis, MO
Compass Realty Group
Member Brandon Gray with Dillon Gray LeFan / Compass to provide you top real estate marketplace knowledge and execution.